How to get under the nose of your customer?
Your customers are inundated with advertising. From the moment they drive to work, when they see the billboards, to the moment they finish their day and watch the ads on TV. So how can you reach your customers when there's so much going on?
How much advertising?
Actually, it's a debated number, but many researches believe that we got to about 500 ads per day in the 1970s and over 5,000 ads per day today. Companies today need to ensure not only how they put their marketing out into the world, but more importantly that it is actually seen! We need to ensure that our advertising message not only gets out there, but that we use an advertising medium that people will notice and take notice of for a period of time that allows our marketing message to reach the desired audience.
Printed branded paper cups are regularly used by companies that attend various well attended events and want to promote their brand or product. At the same time, they also know that their message and their brand will be held in the hands of their customers for 8-12 minutes, with 5 of those minutes right under their noses while they drink their coffee. On such an occasion, it is impossible to miss their marketing on a paper cup.
Getting attention
Once you reach the first hurdle, i.e. getting noticed, keep your customer's attention! No matter how many ads people are exposed to on a daily basis, if they are not seen or noticed, they simply don't work. What better than right under your customers' noses!
Are you ready to put useful advertising right under your potential clients' noses? Are you ready to use an advertising message carrier, i.e. a paper cup, that grabs your message and your brand's full attention for the entire 8-12 minutes your customer spends drinking their coffee while exposing it to lots of other people as they move around the event?
Contact us today if you'd like more information on how custom printed paper cups can help get your message across at your next event or marketing campaign.